LEADING SEMINARS – 2 x 25% = 50%   Schedule TBD

You will be asked to briefly summarize the article orally and lead a 20-25 min discussion based on the reading(s).  Prepare a critical analysis & a combination of initiating and probing questions to bring out participants’ ideas about the issues & article further. Re-visit past contributions, articles, events, your MA project, and incorporate them into the discussion. Ensure you manage the discussion, engage the class, but remember to be considerate of opposing viewpoints. If you miss your designated date without speaking to me first, you will get a mark of 0% and no opportunity to do it again. This oral presentation will be accompanied by a 5 pg double-spaced written response to the article, and will include your discussion questions at the end.

PROPOSAL – 10%   October 29, 2021 by 11:59pm via Blackboard

3 pg double-spaced proposal on what your term paper will be about. You should illustrate the two theories, provide 4-5 point-form paragraphs for EACH theory on how they apply to your work, and provide a bibliography of at least 5-7 references. Submit via Blackboard.

TERM PAPER – 40%   due anytime between Dec 9-15, 2021 by 11:59pm

One of the central themes we have discussed this semester has been the inseparability of theory and method—understanding and evidence. Theory without data is mere speculation, while data without theory is an incomprehensible mass of observations, hence, with this final paper assignment you have free reign to discuss precisely what interests you (your MA research) and how theory can help inform your thesis & your research.  Your job is to write which theory discussed in class + 1 other theory best informs your research project. Students will provide a brief presentation (10 min) of their final paper on the last day of class. Details will be given in class. Submit via Blackboard.

Highway – Levi
Memmi – Cheri
NWAC – Rosemarie
Marx – Levi
Althusser – Marco
Foucault – Vanessa
Fanon – Alex
RCAP – Rosemary
Newhouse -Vanessa
Cajete – Fidel
Bhabha – Fidel (?)
Freire – Marco
LaRocque – Cheri